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Descriptor English:   Macaca mulatta 
Descriptor Spanish:   Macaca mulatta 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Macaca mulatta 
Synonyms English:   Rhesus Macaque
Macaca mulattas
Macaque, Rhesus
Macaques, Rhesus
Monkeys, Rhesus
Rhesus Macaques
Rhesus Monkeys
mulatta, Macaca
Monkey, Rhesus
Rhesus Monkey  
Tree Number:   B01.050.150.900.649.801.400.
Definition English:   A species of the genus MACACA inhabiting India, China, and other parts of Asia. The species is used extensively in biomedical research and adapts very well to living with humans. 
Indexing Annotation English:   Old World monkey; NIM when exper animal: no qualif; when IM, qualif permitted; diseases: coord IM with MONKEY DISEASES (IM)
History Note English:   91(81); was see under MACACA 1981-90; was RHESUS MONKEYS see under MACACA 1975-80 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
AB abnormalities AH anatomy & histology
BL blood CF cerebrospinal fluid
CL classification EM embryology
GE genetics GD growth & development
IM immunology IN injuries
ME metabolism MI microbiology
PS parasitology PH physiology
PX psychology SU surgery
UR urine VI virology
Record Number:   8425 
Unique Identifier:   D008253 

Occurrence in VHL:




PF/Y Terms eng spa por
C0024400D008253ENGPPFYMHMeSH Macaca mulatta  
C002440072941006ENGSPFYFNSNOMED Clinical Terms US Edition Macaca mulatta (organism)  
C0024400D008253ENGSPFYETMeSH Rhesus Macaque  
C00244009544ENGSVOYCMNNCBI Taxonomy rhesus macaques  
C0024400D008253ENGSPFYETMeSH Rhesus Monkey  
C00244009544ENGSVOYCMNNCBI Taxonomy rhesus monkeys  
C0024400D008253FREPPFYMHMeSH French Macaca mulatta  
C0024400D008253FRESPFYETMeSH French Macaque rhésus  
C0024400D008253FRESPFYETMeSH French Rhésus  
C0024400D008253PORPPFYMHMeSH Portuguese Macaca mulatta  
C0024400D008253PORSPFYETMeSH Portuguese Macaco Reso  
C0024400D008253PORSPFYETMeSH Portuguese Macaco Rhesus  
C0024400D008253PORSPFYETMeSH Portuguese Macaco-de-Bengala  
C0024400D008253SPAPPFNMHMeSH Spanish Macaca mulatta  
C002440072941006SPAPPFYPTSNOMED Terminos Clinicos Macaca mulatta  
C002440072941006SPASPFYFNSNOMED Terminos Clinicos Macaca mulatta (organismo)  
C0024400D008253SPASPFYETMeSH Spanish Mono Reso  
C0024400D008253SPASPFYETMeSH Spanish Mono Rhesus  
Semantic Types
T015A1. Mammal  