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Descriptor English:   Cynodon 
Descriptor Spanish:   Cynodon 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Cynodon 
Synonyms English:   Bermuda Grass
Bermuda Grasses
Grasses, Bermuda
Bahama Grass
Bermuda Grass
Couch Grass
Devil's Grass
Dog's Tooth Grass
Grass, Bermuda
Indian Doab
Scutch Grass  
Tree Number:   B01.650.940.800.575.100.822.288
Definition English:   A plant genus of the family POACEAE that is considered a lawn grass by some and a weed by others. It contains allergen Cyn d 7. 
See Related English:   Cynodon dactylon
History Note English:   2003 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
AE adverse effects AH anatomy & histology
CH chemistry CL classification
CY cytology DE drug effects
EM embryology EN enzymology
GE genetics GD growth & development
IM immunology ME metabolism
MI microbiology PS parasitology
PH physiology PO poisoning
RE radiation effects TO toxicity
UL ultrastructure VI virology
Record Number:   37023 
Unique Identifier:   D031744 

Occurrence in VHL:
